Buywrite Monthly Indexとは
Buywrite Monthly Indexとは、要約すると「S&P 500 Indexの1ヶ月もののcovered callのインデックス」になります。
The CBOE S&P 500 BuyWrite Index (BXM) is a benchmark index designed to track the performance of a hypothetical buy-write strategy on the S&P 500 Index.
The BXM is a passive total return index based on
(1) buying an S&P 500 stock index portfolio, and
(2) "writing" (or selling) the near-term S&P 500 Index (SPXSM) "covered" call option, generally on the third Friday of each month. The SPX call written will have about one month remaining to expiration, with an exercise price just above the prevailing index level (i.e., slightly out of the money). The SPX call is held until expiration and cash settled, at which time a new one-month, near-the-money call is written. Please visit the BXM FAQ for more information about the construction of the index.
一般的に、カバード・コール(Coverd Call)は下落相場に強いと言われています。
- 青チャート:Buywrite Monthly Index(BMX)
- 赤チャート:S&P 500 Index