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※Covered Call戦略に焦点を当てているわけではありません。

オプション関連の書籍 ~お勧めの本を紹介~


buy back(バイ・バック)について 期限が長く、価格が離れている場合

buy back(バイ・バック)する際の注意点

オプションを buy back する際に感じた点を報告します。


  • 流動性が低いオプション(期間が長いオプションなど)のバイ・バックは注文が通りにくく約定しにくい。


  • 期限が長いオプションは思いのほか、ビットとアスクの価格差が大きく値動きも激しくない。







特にcovered call関連の書籍は日本語ではあまりないので、洋書を読むことが多いです。



をぢの日記 【Kindle】 Amazon Kindle 3 FAQ 【まとめ】



Q: 便利なショートカットあったら教えてくだしあ
+ Bブックマーク
+Kindle Storeに接続
++ G画面キャプチャ。取り込んだファイル(png)は、documentsフォルダの下に。
++ Mマインスイーパ。
+ Gスクリーンをリフレッシュして、ゴーストを除去。
+ Rブラウザのリロード。
(出典: Kindle Review)

Q: ZIPとかRARしたJPEG画像を見たいんだけどZIPなら見られるようだ。ただしディレクトリ構造を含むZIPファイルはダメっぽい。RARはだめだった。
画像をZIPしたファイルを、に放りこめばおk。 フォルダに入れても大丈夫だった。
書庫名は日本語で問題ないようだが、内部のファイルやフォルダ名が2バイト文字だとだめとの報告も。(情報thx: tomotomosan 氏)閲覧操作は、非圧縮の画像ファイルの場合と一緒。




Covered Call 株価急落時の対処法


ishipponのお気に入りのブログ「born to sell」より、「Stock Repair」の記事を紹介します。


面白いのは記事の最後の方の「6.Traditional options-based stock repair.~」と「最後のしめの文章」です。

If you were long any stocks between mid-July to mid-August, 2011, then you most likely experienced some of this pain:

Ouch! Nothing like a 2000 point drop in the Dow in a few short weeks to get your attention. Assuming you didn't panic sell you are still holding stocks that are probably below your cost. Here are some ways to repair your stocks. 
訳:ダウは1・2週間の間に2000ポイントは下落した。 あなたがパニックで株を売却しないで保有していれば多分評価損だと思う。そんな時の対処法を紹介するよ。

What To Do When Things Go Wrong
One question we get asked a lot is: What do I do if the stock I bought for the purpose of writing call options falls in value below my break even point? Do I sell the stock? Do I write a call with a strike price below my break even point? Something else?
Well, it depends. There are a few ways to think about it:

1.Are the reasons you purchased the stock in the first place still valid? Are you comfortable with the company's prospects for the next year or more? If so, keep the stock and think about how to optimize income and upside potential by writing short-term out-of-the-money options as often as possible.

2.Is there another investment you like better than the fallen one you now own? If so, you may want to switch to the new investment. You don't want to do this too often, though. There are transaction costs and could be tax consequences. Plus, investing is a game of patience where you need to give your investment choices time to work out.
訳:2. 今投資しているよりも良い投資がありますか?もし、あなたが他の投資にスイッチすることはできます。ただ、あまり頻繁なスイッチは良くない。取引コストや税金の影響もある。加えて、投資は忍耐が必要だし時間が必要だ。

3.Are your position sizes and diversification still within normal bounds after one or more positions have made significant moves? If not, then maybe time to make an adjustment (could be a partial adjustment, no need to get radical).

4.You just want to get back to even (or minimize future losses) and are interested in some kind of stock repair for a given position.

Stock Repair / Recovery Choices=株のリペアー/リカバー

1.Sell the stock. Cut your losses and move on. This is the only option that removes future downside risk.

2.Buy puts. This will let you sleep at night but can be expensive (and you maybe should have bought the puts before the position crashed...).

3.Do nothing. Wait for the stock to recover a bit before writing any more options against it. Patience.
4.Sell new covered options with enough time premium so that if called you will get back to break even or better. You want to sell an option so that the strike + option premium is greater than your current cost basis. This can be risky if the option you are selling expires after the next earnings announcement, so be aware of that.
訳:4. 新しいカバード・コールのオプションを売る、十分なプレミアムがある、トントンになるか少しましになるコールを。「ストライクプライス+オプションプレミアム」が現在のコストを上回る水準のオプションを売る。ただ、リスクがあるオプションではある、次の業績予想の後などでは。~。

5.Buy more stock. This is the 'average your price down' strategy. If you liked it at $20/share you must love it at $10/share, right? Double down to lower your cost to $15/share. There are mixed opinions on this strategy among pros, but everyone admits it is widely used. As long as the reasons why the stock went from $20 to $10 are recoverable you could do okay with this strategy, although it does require more capital and increases your risk to the company. For call writers, you can buy more stock to lower your basis and then write calls on the whole lot (at a new, lower strike now that your basis is lower) so that if called the overall position will make money. But be careful with this -- you don't want to throw good money after bad if the company has turned into a permanent loser.

6.Traditional options-based stock repair. This zero-cost strategy lowers your cost and increases your odds of breaking even but has the downside that the best you can do is break even and it leaves you exposed to further downside movement. It involves a ratio call spread with a cost of zero (or near zero). Say you owned 100 shares with an adjusted cost basis of 50 and the stock is now trading at 40. You could buy 1 call with a strike of 40, and then sell 2 calls with a strike of 45 (all 3 with the same expiration date). The goal is to receive 1/2 the cost of the 40 strike for each of the two 45 strikes you sold so that the net cost to you for the spread is zero (i.e. maybe you pay $200 for the 40 strike you bought but you receive $100 for each of the 45 strikes you sold, so a net cost of zero). If the stock recovers half way (to 45) by expiration then you break even on your original investment. If the stock shoots up to anything over 45 then you also only break even. If the stock is below 45 at expiration then you may make or lose a little and can do it again the following month.
訳:6.伝統的なオプション 基本的な株式のリペアー。このゼロコスト戦略はあなたのコストを引下げ取引をイーブンにする確率を上げてくれる、しかしマイナス面としてブレークイーブンが最善となること、下落局面のリスクにさらされる点がある。これはゼロコスト(ほぼゼロ)のratio call spreadに含まれます。調整後の価格が$50の株式を100株保有しているとして、現在$40で取引されている。ストライク・プライス$40のコールを1ユニット買うことが出来る、あわせてストライクプライス$45の2ユニット売ることが出来る(全てのオプションは同じ期限)。ゴールは$40のコールを買った費用の1/2を$45のコールを売った分で受け取ることだ、そうすれば費用はゼロである。(例:$40のコールを買う費用が$200、$45のコールの1ユニットのプレミアムが$100×2=$200。費用はゼロ)。

Because stocks are so liquid it can be difficult to be disciplined about giving them enough time. With just a click of the mouse you can be back to cash or buy some other stock you like better. But it's difficult to time the market and you risk being whipsawed. Nothing hurts more than watching the thing you just sold at a loss shoot back up into what would be profitable territory for you. Sometimes the best repair strategy is a bit of patience and after the stock has recovered a bit then sell a new covered call on it at a strike that will result in a profit if called.






Covered Call 10の非常識


Covered Call戦略における10の非常識、一般的と思われているが実は適切でない行動・ポジションを紹介しています。

アメリカではメジャーな「Value Line」の記事より、
10 Covered Call Myths (or “Myth Conceptions”)」が原文です。

Much of what you are told about covered call writing, even by many so-called “experts,” is wrong – or, at least, less than 100% accurate. This week, we explore ten myths about covered call writing that you may have heard. Perhaps the key word here is “always,” as in always explore your alternatives - rather than always pursue exactly the same strategy.

1. Always write out-of-the-money covered calls on non-volatile stocks.
This a good strategy if you know for certain that the stock is not going to move.  But nothing in life is certain. Bristol Myers Squibb Co (BMY), for instance pays a dividend yield of 4.47% per annum.  With the stock at $28.70, you can write the September $31 call against it and bring the yield up to 7.36%.  But this might not be the best strategy.  According to our model, the call is priced way too cheaply with a premium of only $0.12 versus our estimated premium of $0.45 (see Figure 1 below).  Over the past year, BMY has traded over a 12% range, having hit a low of $24.95 in April and a high of $29.56 on July 21st. The call offers only 1.07% downside protection, which is not much considering that BMY has incurred monthly losses of more than 2% in 23 of the 84 months of the past seven years.

2. Always let your calls expire worthless if they are out-of-the money.
Many investors assume that all options have their fastest rate of time decay just before expiration.  That is not always the case with out-of-the-money calls.  Often they tend to reach a low premium “junk” level several weeks before expiration, offering little in the way of further yield or downside protection. The cost of rolling these calls can be a lot less than many people think, especially if the bid/ask spreads are reasonable.  Often, one can narrow the spreads even further by entering a price limit on your rollover order.


3. Always let your stock get called away if the call is in-the-money.
Often investors are reluctant to incur a cash loss closing out a short call that has moved in-the-money, and are therefore willing just to let their stock get called away. You do not need to do this, however.  Even if the call is in-the-money, there is a good chance that you can roll it to a later expiration for a credit, and not have to spend cash.  Often, you can find the new positions that have attractive combinations of yield, protection and profit potential.


4. Always write short-term calls against your Stock.
Shorter-term covered at-the-money covered calls offer you the best results if the stock doesn’t move very much. However, there are plenty of instances where the shorter-term covered call will underperform the longer-term covered call on the same stock with the same strike. If the stock rises sharply, the longer-term covered call is less likely to give up some of the upside, while if the stock falls precipitously, the longer-term call will, in most cases, give you more protection.

5. Covered calls are always riskier than stocks.
In fact, they rarely are.  Most studies show that covered call writing is less risky on average than just owning stocks, with steadier cash flow and fewer losses. However, covered calls have some risks of their own. The first risk is the so-called “opportunity risk.”  That is, when you write a covered call, you give up some of the stock’s potential gains. One of the main ways to avoid this risk is to avoid selling calls that are too cheaply priced.
Another risk to covered call writing is that you can be exposed to spikes in implied volatility, which can cause call premiums to rise even though stocks have declined. However, you still will be able to keep the original premium at expiration.

6. Covered calls are always better than cash-covered puts.
Because it involves owning the stock, many investors assume that covered call writing is always preferable to writing cash-covered puts.  True, there may be some cases where it might be easier to exit a covered call than a put write, but in most instances, the risks are the same.  Often, the yield and the protection offered by the premium can be the deciding factor on whether to do the covered call or the comparable cash-covered put.
Also, the strike price of the option and your expectations are important. If you expect the stock to end up below the strike price, then you might prefer writing the covered call, since if things go as planned, you do not have to buy back the call. Alternatively, if you expect the stock to end up above the strike, then the cash covered put may be preferable because the put expires worthless.


7. It is always bad when your stock gets called away before expiration.
In many cases, early exercise of your in-the-money short call can be a gift.  This is because you are getting more money delivering the stock at that strike price than you get if you simultaneously sold your stock and bought back the call.  The only time you stand to lose is when there is a ex-dividend before expiration.  If the call gets exercised before the so-called “ex-dividend date” (i.e., the date in which the holder of the stock is identified to receive the dividend), then you lose your right to collect the dividend.

8. Always avoid writing covered calls in volatile markets.
Often selling premium, when the rest of the world is buying it in panic, can be the best thing you can do.  First of all, there are times when put buying is just too expensive, and the only viable hedge is to a write a call on your stock.  Often, the reward/risk potential of such a transaction is very attractive. Our track record tends to show the best performance for covered calls following dips in the markets.

9. Always avoid combining covered calls with other option strategies.
There is no reason why covered calls cannot be combined with other strategies. For instance, many investors write a portfolio of covered calls and then hedge themselves against stock market risk by buying less expensive index options.  Other investors combine put and call purchases on other stocks along with their covered calls. Our track record data suggests that such allocations can help the portfolio when stocks make a big move in either direction.

10. Covered calls are always unsuitable for Retirement Accounts.
Quite the contrary!  Covered calls are almost ideal for retirement accounts such as IRAs, since they offer income and protection. Moreover, the unwanted tax consequences that can occur with covered calls in regular investment accounts are almost never a problem in retirement accounts.  Most brokers allow covered calls and cash-covered puts writing in IRA accounts, and many allow option purchases and limited risk spreads as well. (See “Using Options in Your Individual Retirement Account,” Ot090323.pdf in our Reports Archive.)



